Insurance Nerd Mike
2 min readMay 24, 2021

I’m pretty sure that I haven’t read a policy yet that isn’t missing some form of coverage, or there is a better way to classify something, or could use a reevaluation of the limits.

Now some of this is due to what a business owner is willing to take on in terms of risk. So, they may be ok with not insuring against employee theft or liquor liabilities or social engineering scams.

That’s ok. If you as the insurance buyer are consciously making that decision to take on the potential risk of having to pay for a disaster, that’s your call.


That’s where the question comes from. If there are so many business pros out there who are missing insurance shields that could potentially be really important to them, who is making that decision?

My guess is the agent is!

To me that’s bogus. According to Mike’s World of Insurance, it’s not my job to tell you what insurances to purchase. My job comes down to three things:

  • Determine what dangers could strike the business
  • Educate you on what you insurance will and will not do for you
  • Get agreement on what insurance you are ok with purchasing

So, my theory on how to do insurance, is to bring you everything (including the kitchen sink), and line by line decide what you do and do not want.

It’s your business. Not mine. So, if your agent is saying “You have great coverage” but doesn’t walk through every exclusion and line item, make them. Or find a new insurance partner.

Insurance Nerd Mike

Business owners are working hard to make the world a little better. You deserve to have a partner, at your side, who is removing dangers from your path.